Success for modern customer experiences means developing digital capabilities, whether your industry is high-tech or hands-on hospitality. On March 29, Alec Dalton expressed that perspective as a panelist for the 2022 Digital Customer Experience Summit hosted by the Strategy Institute. Alec spoke alongside co-panelist Kate Whalen, a CX leader at Ford Motor Company, and moderator Josh Mabus, President and Chief Creative Officer of Mabus Agency. Their wide-ranging discussion was suitably titled "Enriched CX Understanding: How to Delight Customers in the New Digital Experience Economy", and the trio explored ways to harness digital technology to engage customers at an emotional level. From his hospitality vantage point, Alec described the need to link customer relationship management (CRM) and voice-of-the-customer (VoC) systems to build actionable customer profiles and monitor lifetime satisfaction. Kate, Josh, and Alec also echoed the need to apply human-centered design when developing experiences, and Kate described examples from web design work with Ford. The gist of the conversation centered on the importance (if not imperative) of treating all brand touchpoints as communications channels, which should reflect a brand's voice while helping customers stay satisfied in the long- and short-terms. Click here to learn more about the summit, and consider attending other great events hosted by the Strategy Institute. Comments are closed.