Literally and figuratively, Alec Dalton lent his voice to "Voices of CX" during a recent episode of the acclaimed podcast. Hosted by Mary Drummond, Chief Marketing Officer of voice-of-the-customer pioneer Worthix, the two talked about a range of topics covering service psychology and strategy.
In summary, Alec pointed out how well hospitality principles translate across industries: the need for emotionally-sensitive services extend from hotels to hospitals and restaurants to retail. Service systems from Disney and The Ritz-Carlton provide examples of how best-in-class organizations can apply consumer and employee psychology to deliver consistently-satisfying customer experiences. Mary and Alec further explored the quality sciences, noting that the "optimal" level of quality is where generally-great service is supported by always-great service recovery: Alec spoke about the service recovery paradox and its ability to help organizations heal when service goes sour. Click the link below to hear their full conversation and access to the full library of "Voices of CX". Comments are closed.